
Beautiful YOU!

The blogging muses hit me.  At 11:30pm.  I ought to be sleeping.
I generally don't do double posts, but I realize that I have different followers on my blog and blogfrog community than I do on facebook (so follow me on facebook too!!!!) 

I was briefly chatting with a business associate.  She shared this note/image with me.  It is powerful; I had to share.

As women (and moms) we can get so bogged down about who we are.  Perhaps guys do it and don't let on, but I know women are always comparing.  I do it too.  I didn't want my mom to take a picture of me for our family calendar with no makeup on.  Isn't that silly?!  There are all sorts of oughts, or shoulds, or whatever.  Then as a mom, there is mom guilt - you know it.  Stinks.  Then if you run a business, or work outside the home (or inside) there's that guilt too.  It's all around.  And it seems like there is no way to escape.

But I want you to know that you are LOVED.  L-O-V-E-D.  You are who you were created to be.  You were made for greatness!!  I don't care where you are spiritually (I don't really fit the mold either).  I'm not here to shove anything down your throat, or win souls.  I think that's tacky.  (Frankly, I think God thinks it's tacky too.)  I just want to share with you how much you are loved.  You are a PRINCESS!  You aren't loved because of who you know, or what you do, or where you've been, or anything else.  You're loved because you are you, and there is no one else like you.  Dr. Suess said it really well, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

You are an awesome woman!


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