As a mom of two, I find that I am CONSTANTLY running late (or feeling that way, at least). I've come up with some systems that help keep me organized...jewelry wise that is!
I'll start with my favorite! When I worked for jewelers years ago, the common theme was "Open fast, get the customers in. Close fast. Repeat" We used wooden trays with velvet flocked plastic liners. Every jewelry store uses them. Most artisan jewelers use them as well.
They are handy and inexpensive (nilecorp.com is a great company, but it took a bit longer than I would have liked for my order to be shipped). They are not good for traveling, however. But since I don't live in an RV - it works for me!
I have everything organized, which took a little while for me to do so, but was well worth the time. Here is the way I've chosen to organize mine (color is easier for me than style...although I've done that too). Pearls first - they are my favorite, and I have the most of them. Since the vast majority are white-ish neutrals, I'd start there. Then pinks (think rose quartz, pink pearls). I would put Topaz next. Since this is an orange/brown color move within that theme. Gold pieces also fit in this section. If you have necklaces that are copper or rose gold, I would put these here. Then gray. Vintage or antiqued pendants and chains would go in this section.
Your blue necklaces go next - sapphires, aquamarine, turquoise, etc. Black follows.
Finishing with silver, which inevitably you've come full circle.

The next storage box I've used is a divided box with a latching lid. I like it more than a huge jewelry armoire, less than the trays above. HOWEVER, it's great for traveling because it closes.
The problem I've found is that I'm not able to store my chunkier necklaces, or my brooches, or bangles without the lid being left open. And this defeats the purpose of a lid! The bottom and side also seemed like it'd scratch my delicate pearls. Before laying pieces in the slots, I cut pieces of paper towel to lay between the dividers.
This box is an inexpensive (I think a dollar or two) way to organize jewelry on a small scale.

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